Fee Schedule

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As of 2019, we implemented a standardized fee schedule, and we committed to a regular internal review of the fees and services to be sure we are remaining competitive in both our services offered and fees charged.

After significant due diligence, we transitioned to become a fee only, fiduciary firm, and a subsequent successful move to our new custodian, Fidelity in early 2021.

Our new partnership resulted in expense savings for the business, which we have invested in our staff and support, our technology, and now sharing it with our most important stakeholder – our clients.

We are excited to announce we will be reducing fees by 0.03% for clients across the firm. 

Please see our new fee schedule below.

There is nothing you need to do to have your fee lowered.  This will apply to existing and new clients and will automatically happen at our next quarterly fee deduction which will occur in early January 2022.

As always, our number one priority remains to maintain meaningful connections with our clients which allows us to consistently provide highly personalized advice and a client centered experience. Our hope is you share a sense of immense value in our discussions and work together. If for any reason this isn’t the case, let’s talk.